Spartacus and the Slave War 73-71 BC: A gladiator rebels against Rome
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Número de artículo | 4589723930 |
Pays | FR,ES,IT,CH,BE |
Terminal correspondant | Android, iPhone, iPad, PC |
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Spartacus Wikipedia ~ Spartacus Greek Σπάρτακος Spártakos Latin Spartacus c 111–71 BC was a Thracian gladiator who along with the Gauls Crixus Gannicus Castus and Oenomaus was one of the escaped slave leaders in the Third Servile War a major slave uprising against the Roman Republic
Third Servile War Wikipedia ~ The Third Servile War also called by Plutarch the Gladiator War and The War of Spartacus was the last in a series of slave rebellions against the Roman Republic known collectively as the Servile Wars
Spartacus History Facts Influence ~ led by the gladiator Spartacus A Thracian by birth Spartacus served in the Roman army perhaps deserted led bandit raids and was caught and sold as a slave
Third Servile War Facts Summary ~ Third Servile War History of the Third Servile War a revolt against Rome led by the gladiator Spartacus
Resisting Slavery in Ancient Rome BBC ~ The realities of slavery In Plutarchs day Rome had been the predominant political power in the ancient Mediterranean world for roughly 500 years and was to remain so for three centuries more
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剣闘士 Wikipedia ~ 剣闘士(けんとうし、羅Gladiator グラディアトル、グラディアートル)は、古代ローマにおいて見世物として闘技会で戦っ
Восстание Спартака — Википедия ~ Историография Восстание Спартака сначала было воспринято с презрением и считалось обыкновенным проявлением недовольства рабов и гладиаторов Античные авторы воспринимали восстание
スパルタクス Wikipedia ~ スパルタクス(ラテン語 Spartacus 、生年不詳 紀元前71年)は、共和政ローマ期の剣闘士で、「スパルタクスの反乱」と称される第三次奴隷戦争の指導者。